Dr. Christopher J. Greco

Position: Professor
Department: Music
Office: Bishop Fink Hall 301
Phone: 913.360.7599
Dr. Christopher Greco received B.A. music and M.A. music composition from California State University, Los Angeles and the Doctor of Musical Arts, D.M.A. degree in classical performance from University of California, Los Angeles.
Dr. Greco is an educator, composer/performer, woodwind specialist, award winning composer, and scholar of music with interests covering a broad range across several musical disciplines including composition, performance, and music theory. He is active in the classical, polystylist, and jazz fields as a recitalist and composer/performer, and was trained as a composer and multi-instrumentalist (clarinet, flute, saxophone, oboe) in his hometown of Los Angeles.
Publications appear in Saxophone Journal (U.S.), Saxophone Today (U.S.), Clarinet & Saxophone Society of Great Britain (U.K.), and doctoral paper, A Study: An Interpretation and Analysis of a Late Twentieth Century Work for Saxophone and Piano: Steven Stucky’s Notturno is published by Akademiker Verlag, 2008.
Dr. Greco served on the music faculty at Pepperdine University, UCLA, and University of Maryland. He joined the Benedictine College music faculty in 2008. Currently Dr. Greco teaches: music theory (coordinator), composition (coordinator), seminar in composition, orchestration, counterpoint, studio applied woodwinds, Honors course -Twentieth Century Music: Musical Styles of Modern Europe and America, chamber ensembles, and History of Jazz (summer online) at Benedictine College. He and his wife Yvette have three children, Nicholas, Julia, and Alexander.
D.M.A., Performance
University of California, Los Angeles (classical saxophone/clarinet)
M.A., Music Composition
California State University, Los Angeles
B.A., Music
California State University Los Angeles
Selected Publications and Presentations
“A Study: An Interpretation and Analysis of a Late Twentieth Century Work For Saxophone and Piano: Steven Stucky’s Notturno.” June 2006, UCLA
Doctoral paper published by VDM
“Guest Artist, A Private Lesson With Christopher Greco – Pedagogy, Performance, and Career Objectives,” Saxophone Today, March/April 2014: p. 47-50
“The Benefits of Variety,” Clarinet & Saxophone Society of Great Britain, Volume 38, Number 1, Spring 2013: p. 14-15
Paper Presentation – Music Theory
College Music Society, Great Plains Chapter Conference
“Introducing Textural Music Into the Undergraduate Core
Curriculum: Ligeti’sChamber Concerto for 13 Instrumentalists.”
March 27-28, 2010
Kansas State University, Emporia, KS
“New Music and the Saxophone: Diaphonia Intevallum by Joseph Schwantner.” Saxophone Journal Vol. 29, No. 2, Nov./Dec. 2004: p.54-57
“New Music and the Saxophone: Canto IV by Samuel Adler.” Saxophone Journal Vol. 27, No. 6, July/Aug. 2003: p.59-60
Selected Performances
Jazz Concert – Kansas Jazz Collective
Director:Christopher Greco
Benedictine College – March 24, 2012
O’Malley-McAllister Auditorium
Atchison, KS 66002
George Colligan, piano (NYC guest); Greco saxophone, clarinet;
Steve Rigazzi contrabass; Doug Auwarter, drums.
Saxophone Recital – Duo and Trio Music
Benedictine College – September 27, 2011
O’Malley-McAllister Auditorium
Atchison, KS 66002
Christopher Greco – alto saxophone
Bryan Pezzone – piano (guest – Los Angeles)
Krystal Heib – flute (former BC graduate)
Jazz Concert – Kansas Jazz Collective
Director:Christopher Greco
Benedictine College – September 29, 2010
O’Malley – McAllister Auditorium
Atchison, KS 66002
Eldad Tarmu, vibraphone (NYC guest), Greco saxophone, clarinet;
Michael Pagan, piano; Ray Demarchi, drums.
Saxophone / Clarinet Recital
Benedictine College – November 10, 2009
O’Malley-McAllister Auditorium
Atchison, KS 66002
Christopher Greco – alto saxophone, clarinet
Bryan Pezzone – piano (guest – Los Angeles)
Broadcast Performances
Dr. Greco’s recordings of compositions and his performances have been broadcast globally including the United States, Portugal, France, South America, Russia, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Indonesia, and Italy.
Thirty compositions published with Pleiadian Music (ASCAP)
- Honorable Mention International Song Competition 2014 Finalist – “The Open Door” (clarinet)
- ASCAP-Plus Awards 2002-2014
- CMJ Top 50 Jazz Albums 2013 – “Trane Of Thought” CD
- International Song Competition 2013 Semi-Finalist – “Oliver” (tenor saxophone)
- Hollywood Music in Media Awards Finalist 2013 – “Oliver”
- Winner “Best Jazz” – Hollywood Music in Media Awards 2012 – “Maia” (soprano saxophone)
- International Song Competition 2012 Semi-Finalist – “Messages” (tenor saxophone)
- International Song Competition 2011 Semi-Finalist – “The Open Door” (clarinet)
- Hollywood Music in Media Awards Finalist 2011 – “Merope” (flute)Julius Hemphill Composition Award 2001 Finalist – “The Flight Of A Bird Leaves No Trace” (flute)
Dr. Greco Portal Links
Professional Affiliations
- American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers
- The Recording Academy – Voting Member
- The College Music Society
- International Clarinet Association
- Europe Jazz Network
- VDM Publishing